Error Description Table:

Error Code Error Description
400 Bad Request For Bad Request from client to be sent in normal JSON as sent by backend.
401 Unauthorized

Unauthorized Error (normal JSON response)

  1. Missing Pass-Key in Header

    "pass_key" is not present as key in header

      "status": -1,
      "statusDesc": "Pass_key header is missing"
  2. Invalid Pass-key

    Pass-key is not found in both the db (redis or mongo)

      "status": 0,
      "statusDesc": "Invalid pass_key : [mongo: no documents in result]"

    If pass-key passed in header is not mapped with the cl_id, cl_secret present in header_secrets

      "status": -1,
      "statusDesc": "Error unmarshalling decrypt response: invalid character '!' looking for beginning of value"
  3. Missing header_secrets

    If "header_secrets" is missing as key in header

      "status": -1,
      "statusDesc": "Header Secrets is missing"

    If “header_secrets” value is missing in header

      "status": -1,
      "statusDesc": "Header Secrets value is empty"
  4. Epoch Time Limit Exceeded

    If the epoch passed during the encryption of header_secrets expires

      "status": -1,
      "statusDesc": "Epoch Time Limit Exceeded"
404 Not Found For Invalid URL
503 Service Unavailable Service Issue
405 Method Not Allowed : normal JSON response
  1. If method passed is not acceptable
"ResponseData": "Invalid Request"


  • Except Success Response i.e. 200 OK none other responses will be encrypted.
  • For Error Status Codes 404 , 503 or any other response whose response type is text/plain responsedata will be encrypted but upon decryption it will show null.