Request Method :: POST
STAGING URL: To be shared by our organization.
PROD URL: To be shared by our organization.

Penny Drop API

End Point:/w1w2-payout/w1/beneverify

Standard Penny Drop API

End Point:/w1w2-payout/w1/v2/beneverify


Content-Type: application/JSON
header_secrets: To be shared during integration
pass_key: To be shared during integration


Request Body Parameters

Field Name Data Type Value Mandatory Length Description
beneName Field will accept free text.
Special characters will be allowed in this field.
M MinLength =1
This field beneName should be the beneficiary/receiver name.
beneAccountNo Field will accept free text.
Special characters not allowed in this field.
M MinLength =8
This field bank account number should be the beneficiary account number.
beneifsc Field will accept free text.
Special characters will be allowed in this field.
M MinLength =11
This field ifsc should be the beneficiary/receiver bank account’s ifsc code
benePhoneNo Field will accept only numeric values. M MinLength =10
This field phoneNo should be the beneficiary/receiver phone number.
beneBankName Field will accept free text. M N/A This field beneBankName should be a beneficiary bank name given by customer.
clientReferenceNo Field will accept free text.
Special characters not allowed in this field.
M MinLength =12
This field clientReferenceNo is Customer reference number given by customer.
latlong Field will accept free text. M MinLength =12
Lat longitude of the transaction initiator
pincode Field will accept only numeric values. M MaxLength=6 Pin code of the transaction initiator.
custName Field will accept free text.
Special characters will be allowed in this field.
M MaxLength=35 Name of the customer
custIpAddress Field will accept free text. (IP) M N/A Customer IP address given by the customer
custMobNo Field will accept only numeric values. M MinLength =10
Mobile Number of customer
paramA Field will accept free text. O N/A Further Use
paramB Field will accept free text. O N/A Further Use


Note: The above details are only for the testing environment.
Mode of Pay: IMPS

Sample Request and Response

Request Body

"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJ12",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName":"Priya Saumya",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""

Response Body Parameters

Field Name Data Type Description
status Field will accept free text. This field displays the actual status of a transaction. (Possible status -SUCCESS, FAILED, INPROGRESS, REFUNDED)
subStatus Field will accept only numeric values
No special characters will be allowed
This field is the status code of a transaction. It will be a success - 0, inprogress – 1, failed - -1,Refunded- 2, failed error case - -2.
statusDesc Field will accept free text This field is the transaction message of a transaction.
rrn Field will accept only numeric values
No special characters will be allowed
This is a unique number generated by the bank/NPCI for each transaction, the customer can inquiry the transaction using this number or reference No generated by Corporate
transactionId The field will accept only numeric values This field contains the unique id for a transaction and 12 to 15 digits
beneName The field will accept free text. This field bene name is the beneficiary name.
beneAccountNo The field will accept free text. This field bank account number is the transacted beneficiary account number.
beneBankName The field will accept free text. This field is the beneficiary bank name.
beneifsc The field will accept free text. This field bene ifsc is the beneficiary bank ifsc code.
benePhoneNo The field will accept free text. In success & inprogress cases, we will get the bank reference number (rrn). Or else we won’t get the rrn
clientReferenceNo The field will accept free text. Customer Reference number shared by the customer during transaction initiation.
latlong The field will accept free text. Latitude longitude of the transaction initiator
Eg- 22.8031731,88.7874172
This field is the date field where we show the transaction date. (09-23-2022 05:03:20)
pincode The field will accept only numeric values Pin code of the transaction initiator
custName The Field will accept free text. Name of the customer
custMobNo The Field will accept only numeric values Mobile number of the customer
custIpAddress The Field will accept free text. This field is the customer’s IP address.
date The Field will accept free text. Date time of the transaction in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss
(eg- 09-23-2022 05:03:20)
paramA The Field will accept free text. For Future Use
paramB The Field will accept free text. For Future Use


Success Request & Response Samples


Sample Request 1:


"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJ12",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName":"Priya Saumya",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


"status": "SUCCESS",
"subStatus": 0,
"statusDesc": "CO00 - Transaction is Successful.",
"rrn": "2234543565",
"transactionId": 102283304115791,
"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": " ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "22345231232231"
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"custName:"Pariya Saumya",
"dateTime": "09-23-2022 05:03:20",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


Sample Request 2:


"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJ12",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName":"Priya Saumya",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


"status": "INPROGRESS",
"subStatus": 1,
"statusDesc": "CO03 - Please Wait while your transaction is processing.",
"rrn": "2234543565",
"transactionId": 102283304115791,
"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": " ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "22345231232231"
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"custName:"Priya Saumya",
"dateTime": "09-23-2022 05:03:20",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


Failure Request & Response Samples


Sample Request 1:


"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "3691050001456",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJ12",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName": "Rajesh Nayak",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


"status": "FAILED",
"subStatus": -1,
"statusDesc": "CO04 - Transaction Failed",
"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "369105000110",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJ12",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName": "Rajesh Nayak",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"rrn": "",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": "",
"dateTime": "08-18-2023 04:15:54"


Sample Request 2:


"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "369105000110",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJESH13",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName": "Rajesh Nayak",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


"transactionId": 746416336366379,
"subStatus": 2,
"status": "FAILED",
"statusDesc": "COERR29 - Wallet Operation Failed - apibalance not available",
"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "369105000110",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJESH13",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName": "Rajesh Nayak",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"rrn": "",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": "",
"dateTime": "08-18-2023 04:15:54"


Sample Request 3:


"beneName": "ISERVEU",
"beneAccountNo": "369105000110",
"beneifsc": "ICIC0003691",
"benePhoneNo": 7381279966,
"beneBankName": "ICICI",
"clientReferenceNo": "22345231232231",
"pincode": 751024,
"custName": "Priya Saumya",
"custMobNo": 9821361067,
"custIpAddress": "",
"latlong": "22.8031731,88.7874172",
"paramA": "",
"paramB": ""


"subStatus": -3,
"status": "FAILED",
"statusDesc": "COERR41 - Duplicate Client Reference No, please try again!",
"transactionId": 0,
"clientReferenceNo": "90987553129RAJESH13",
"dateTime": "08-18-2023 05:28:17"


Sample Request Body (with encryption):



Sample Response Body (with encryption)





Response Codes

Status Status Code Description
FAILED -1 Failed from Bank
FAILED -2 Failed from IServeU
FAILED 2 Failed from Wallet Debit
FAILED -3 Failed due to Duplicate Client Reference number
INPROGRESS 1 Transaction In Progress
SUCCESS 0 Transaction success ( IMPS )