
Description - Your organization will provide us a Call-back URL with the following configurations:

  • The Call-back URL should be of Method Type POST
  • Content-type should be of Type application/JSON.
  • The Call-back URL should have the below request format. The Response also has been provided for your reference.


Content-Type: application/JSON

Request Body Parameters

Parameter Parameter description with validation and examples Data Type Mandatory/ Not Mandatory
statusDesc Status Description. Must not be NULL. E.g. - 'Transaction Successfull' String Mandatory
createdDate Created Date. Must Not be NULL. E.g. - 2022-11-02 12:12:13 String Mandatory
updatedDate Date of Update. Must Not be Null. E.g. - 2022-11-02 12:12:50 String Mandatory
productCode Product Code. Must not be NULL. E.g. - POS String Mandatory
txnType Transaction Type. Must not be NULL. E.g.-Sale@POS String Mandatory
txnAmount Transaction Amount. Must not be NULL. Should be between 100 and 100000. E.g. - 2000 String Mandatory
txnDateTime Transaction Date and Time. It must Not be NULL. E.g - 2022-11-02 12:12:50 String Mandatory
customeridentIfication Customer Identification (Card Number). Must not be NULL. 16 digit card number. E.g. - xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-5604 String Mandatory
status Status of Transaction. Must not be NULL. E.g.- SUCCESS String Mandatory
rrn rrn number. Generated from bank’s end. length = 12. Should not be NULL E.g.-230612077853 String Mandatory
txnId Transaction ID. It must Not be NULL. length ≤ 20 E.g. - 1037255263620431872 String Mandatory
username User Name. Must not be NULL. E.g.-Sagarikatest String Mandatory
ClientRefID Client Reference ID. Must not be NULL. length ≤ 18 E.g. - 20720 String Mandatory
param_b To be used as per discretion. Must not be NULL. length ≤ 20 Alphanumeric String Mandatory
param_c To be used as per discretion. Must not be NULL. length ≤ 20 Alphanumeric String Mandatory

Sample Request Body 

mATM Cash Withdrawal


mATM Balance Enquiry (Auth Success)


mATM Balance Enquiry (Auth Declined)

Sample Response Body

Success :


Status Codes

Code Significance Description
0 SUCCESS Successful
1 FAILED Unsuccessful


!NOTE: In case of a successful response it won’t be retried any more but in case of a failed response it will retried for 2 times.