SDK Integration

  • Click on and initiate mATM from your side.
  • Pass the client_id and client_secret in base64 format (client_id, client_secret, clientRefId, apiusername and txnUserName):
btoa('{"client_id":"42Zuw71Ok7e2TGAgHPKttM7PFGMspJLLy3ewq15dhgjtGM9l", "client_secret":"MDB9krmA8OqYdgjTKflkXXU7BTNAJgVDEWBmhWjQ8YBvAPNKNPLbxnJGSKcKiEV9", "clientRefId":"1072084933043501810","apiusername":"apisdktestapi","txnUserName":"upitestret"}')
  • Generated base64 is:
  • Generated base64 is:

http://localhost:7870/matm_init?clientToken= eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI0Mlp1dzcxT2s3ZTJUR0FnSFBLdHRNN1BGR01zcEpMTHkzZXdxMTVkaGdqdEdNOWwiLCJjbGllbnRf c2VjcmV0IjoiTURCOWtybUE4T3FZZGdqVEtmbGtYWFU3QlROQUpnVkRFV0JtaFdqUThZQnZBUE5LTlBMYnhuSkdTS 2NLaUVWOSIsImNsaWVudFJlZklkIjoiMTA3MjA4NDkzMzA0MzUwMTgxMCIsImFwaXVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYXB pc2RrdGVzdGFwaSIsInR4blVzZXJOYW1lIjoidXBpdGVzdHJldCJ9



  • The client_id and client_secret will be provided by iServeU which contains the user id and password details.
  • Please ensure the client_id and client_secret keys are not to be stored locally within the application. The same is only to be stored on the server side.
  • Select the appropriate transaction that you want to proceed with - Cash Withdrawal or Balance Enquiry.

sdk integration matm













sdk integration matm















  • Fill in the required details correctly and then click on Proceed With Transaction.
  • Click on Insert Card to use the appropriate Card for transaction.

sdk integration matm













  • The card is ready for use.

sdk integration matm

  • The Transaction Success or Failure will be displayed on the Status page. The appropriate receipts will be generated by clicking on View Receipt.

sdk integration matm

If client wants to modify the transaction receipt, we facilitate them by providing a skip receipt option ( the Red Button).

For this the client needs to provide us with the callback url (through Webhook API).

Client Callback URL on click Skip Receipt

Example Client Baseurl: http://localhost:7870/matm_callback

Note: Client will provided this Baseurl to iServeU. Then will be able to redirect when user click Skip Receipt

Example Final Callbackurl:- http://localhost:7870/matm_callback?matmTxnRespCallback="Txn response in base64 encoded format"

The Webhook API facilitates this purpose. Please refer to Webhook API for further details.

• The receipts can be printed by clicking on Print.

sdk integration matm