Calling the Service App, parameters required and design data model class

Calling the Service App

Call back function to get the transaction data and client ref id from AePS service APP




  • The API_USER_NAME_VALUE, Client ID and Client Secret will be provided by iServeU.
  • Please ensure the Client ID and Client Secret keys are not to be stored locally within the application. The same is only to be stored on the server side.
  • Client Transaction ID (ClientRefID) max length should be 18 digits and data type to be set as string.


  • -dataModel.bankCode = "common"(bankCode should be always “common”.)
  • - dataModel.transactionType = when{
           binding.rbBe.isChecked ->  "0"
           binding.rbCw.isChecked -> "1"
           binding.rbMini.isChecked -> "2"
           binding.rbAdhaarpay.isChecked -> "3"
           binding.rbCd.isChecked -> "4"
           else -> ""
Transaction Type field will be added on parent application and it will be set in number format as mentioned below.
0 - BalanceEnquiry
1 - CashWithDrawal
2 - MiniStatement
3 - AadhaarPay
4 - CashDeposit

Required Parameters to be sent to the Service App

Please refer to AePS Parameter Description for further details.

Data Model Class of the Required data to be passed for kotlin

Data Model Class of the Required data to be passed for java

Sample Code for passing data through the data model

(SendDataToService- Kotlin)

(SendDataToService - Java)

Demo APP Link

Service APP Link

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