Transaction Status Enquiry


Description: If the final transaction response will not be received by client due to any technical or network issue then client can consume this API to get the final response for given transaction Id as path variable.



Content-Type: application/JSON
client_id: To be shared during integration
client_secret: To be shared during integration

Request Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter Name Parameter description with validation and examples Attribute type Mandatory/Not Mandatory
$1 Query Operation Hard-coded field Must pass the value provided in E.g . It must Not be NULL. E.g. - "UAeps_txn_status_api" String Mandatory
$4 Start Date Date field in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It must Not be NULL. It must be same as the End Date. E.g. - "2023-05-05" String Mandatory
$5 End Date Date field in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It must Not be NULL. It must be same as the Start Date. E.g. -"2023-05-05" String Mandatory
$6 ClientRefId Client reference id. length ≤ 20. It must Not be NULL. E.g.- "hdinn" String Mandatory

Sample Request Body

Response Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description Data type
status Status of the transaction. Integer
message Status Identifier of the transaction (Success/Failed) String
length Count of the results fetched for the provided data. Integer
results Fetched results for the provided data in the Request Body.  
statusDesc Status description of the transaction. E.g.- "Invalid mc code under Meta tag" String
createdDate Created date is send in timestamp. E.g. 1686743142182 Timestamp
updatedDate Updated date is send in timestamp. E.g. - 1686743144140 Timestamp
productCode ProductCode. E.g. - "AEPS" String
txnType Operation type of transaction. E.g. - "AEPS_BALANCE_ENQUIRY" String
txnAmount Transaction amount. E.g. - 1000 String
txnDateTime Date and time of transaction. E.g. - 1686743142182 Timestamp
customeridentIfication Customer’s unique Identification. Herewe use the Aadhaar number.E.g. - "xxxx-xxxx-4623" String
status Status of the particular transaction performed (SUCCESS/FAILED) String
transaction_status_code Status Code for the particular transaction performed (-1 denotes FAILED and 0 denotes Success) Integer
rrn Transaction unique ID. E.g. - "316517414800" String
txnId Unique id of the transaction. E.g. - "#1118496399520956416" String
retailerUserName Retailer Username. E.g. - "aepsTestR" String
userName Username. E.g. -"isutest" String
clientreferenceid Reference id the client. E.g. -“123Test” String
param_b To be use as per client discretion. Alphanumeric String
param_c To be use as per client discretion. Alphanumeric String

Sample Response Body




Transaction Status Codes (transaction_status_code)

transaction_status_code Status Description
0 SUCCESS Transaction Successful
-1 FAILED Failed Response from bank
1 FAILED Validation Error
2 FAILED Exception
-1 REFUNDED Amount Refunded to wallet

NOTE: The REFUNDED status is only relevant for the Cash Deposit API.

Detailed Status Codes 

Code Significance Description
200 SUCCESS Transaction response received with data.
1 SUCCESS Transaction response with no data for required parameters
0 FAILED Get error message in Response.


NOTE: The date and time stamp present across all endpoints in the document is in UTC timestamp format.