Properties To Customize The Web SDK

SL No Key Default Value Description
01 Title Null This is used to define Title Bar Value
02 maxWidth 600 This is used to define maximum width of ISU SDK.
03 minWidth 280 This is used to define minimum width of ISU SDK.
04 Sticky FALSE This is used to create a sticky ISU SDK
05 className fade-and- drop

This is used to define animation type.

Some pre-defined animation are:




06 closeButton TRUE This create a close button on the top-right corner
07 closeButtonIcon Null This key is used to define the path of the close button icon.
08 closeIconInnerColor Null This is used to fill the inner cross Icon.
09 closeIconOuterColor Null This is used to fill the Outer part of the Icon.
10 Overlay TRUE It generate an overlay in the backside of the ISU SDK
11 overlayColor #000000 It is used to define the Background Colour of the
12 overlayOpacity 0.5 This is used to define the transparency label of the
13 bgColor #FFFFFF This is used to define the background colour of the ISU SDK Modal
14 Scroll FALSE This is used to set the scroll option for the ISU SDK Modal.
15 Alert
15.1 headerColor #ffffff This option is used to set the header text color of the AlertBox.
15.2 headerBackground #487af1 This option is used to set the background color of the AlertBox.
15.3 bodyColor #999999 This option is used to set the text color of the
15.4 bodyBackground #ffffff This option is used to set the background color of the AlertBox Body.
16 Colours
16.1 primaryBackgroundColor #3399ff This option is used to set the background color of the AEPS Modal.
16.2 primaryTextColor #ffffff This option is used to set the text color of the AEPS Modal.
16.3 borderColor #3399ff This option is used to set the border color of the AEPS Modal.
16.4 inputTextColor #333333 This option is used to set the input text color of the AEPS Modal.
16.5 elementDisabledColor #e4eaea This option is used to set the disabled elements color of the AEPS Modal.
16.6 contentBackground #f9f9f9 This option is used to set the background color of
16.7 inputBorderBottom #cccccc This option is used to set the input border bottom color in the AEPS Modal.
16.8 inputPlaceHolder #aaaaaa This option is used to set the input placeholder Colour in the AEPS Modal.
16.9 encryptedData Null You have to pass the encrypted data you will get From us.