Request Method :: POST
Description -
This API is used to map a device to a user through VPA ID, device serial number and device type.
Base URL: To be shared later.
Endpoint URL: /soundbox_trigger


Request Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description (with examples) Data type Mandatory/Optional
customer_name Customer Name.
E.g. - abc
String Mandatory
txn_currency Transaction Currency
E.g. - rupee
String Mandatory
txn_amount Transaction Amount
E.g. - 19
String Mandatory
ref_n Reference Number
E.g. - 12345
String Mandatory
status Status
E.g. - Success
String Mandatory
time_stamp Timestamp String Optional
customer_vpa Customer VPA String Optional
merchant_vpa Merchant VPA.
E.g. - iserveu29
String Mandatory
tr_id TR ID String Optional
merchant_id Merchant ID. String Optional
serial_number Serial Number.
E.g. - 6966333
String Mandatory
checksum Checksum. String Optional
bank_code Bank Code. String Optional
txn-type Transaction Type.
E.g. - UPI
String Mandatory


Sample Request Body

Response Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description(with examples) Data Type
status Status.
E.g. - 0
message Message.
E.g. - Message successfully sent
errors Errors (Only in case of Failed Responses) String
type Error Type
E.g. - field
msg Error related Message.
E.g. - merchant_vpa is mandatory
path Path
E.g. - merchant_vpa
location Location.
E.g. - body


Sample Response Body(Success)

"status": 0,
"message": "Message successfully sent"

Sample Response Body(FAILED)

If merchant_vpa is missing :

"status": 1,
"message": "merchant_vpa is mandatory",
"errors": [
"type": "field",
"msg": "merchant_vpa is mandatory",
"path": "merchant_vpa",
"location": "body"

In case of invalid merchant_vpa or merchant_vpa not mapped with the device :

"status": 1,
"message": "ERR001 VPA Not found in database"

In case the device is not active :

"status": 1,
"message": "ERR002 Device is inactive"

Error in the case of publishing a message :

"status": 1,
"message": `ERR0004 Error in publish`

Error getting YPP external server error :

"status": 1,
"message": `ERR0006 Error getting from YPP API`

Invalid Device type :

"status": 1,
"message": `ERR0007 Invalid device type`

Invalid Base Url :

"status": 0,
"message": "ERR0008 The url you are trying to reach is not hosted on our server"