Request Method :: POST |
Description - This API is used to map a device to a user through VPA ID, device serial number and device type. |
Base URL: To be shared later. |
Endpoint URL: /abc/deviceMapping/mapDevice |
Request Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter description (with examples) | Attribute type | Mandatory/Optional |
device_serial_no | Device Serial No. E.g. - 1244 |
String | Mandatory |
vpa_id | Virtual Payment Address ID. E.g. - 1234 |
String | Mandatory |
device_type | Device Type. E.g. - ypp |
String | Mandatory |
Sample Request Body
Response Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter description(with examples) | Data Type |
status | Status. E.g. - 0 |
Integer |
message | Message. E.g. - Device mapping result E.g. - iserveu |
String |
data | Data. E.g. - Device mapped successfully. |
String |
slno | Serial Number. E.g. - 32 E.g. - Success |
String |
vpa_id | VPA ID. E.g. - 1234@abc |
String |
device_serial_no | Device Serial Number. E.g. - 1244 |
String |
mapping_status | Mapping Status. E.g. - MAPPED |
String |
delivery_status | Delivery Status. E.g. - 5 |
String |
device_status | Device Status. | String |
mapped_date | Mapped Date. E.g. - 2024-02-19T06:26:51.000Z |
String |
delivery_status_updated_date | Delivery Status Updated Date. E.g. - 2024-02-19T06:26:51.000Z |
String |
activation_date | Activation Date. | String |
deactivation_date | Deactivation Date. | String |
device_type | Device Type. E.g. - ypp |
String |
Sample Response Body
{ |
"status": 1, "message": "Device-VPA Mapping already present.", "data": { "slno": "32", "vpa_id": "1234@abc", "device_serial_no": "1244", "mapping_status": "MAPPED", "delivery_status": "5", "device_status": null, "mapped_date": "2024-02-19T06:26:51.000Z", "delivery_status_updated_date": "2024-02-19T06:26:51.000Z", "activation_date": null, "deactivation_date": null, "device_type": "ypp" } |