Ans: They are used to verify the identity of users or applications that request access to the system. They play a crucial role in ensuring that only authorized individuals or systems can interact with the API.

Ans: The client id & client secret should be unique for different products until and unless the user name will be changed.

Ans: Yes, UAT validation keys are different from the production ones. But when the products will be on-boarded or live they may be different. And the production details will be provided by iServeU.

Ans: The product url, client id and client secret will be provided for production.

Ans: For the callback feature to be enabled, you need to prepare a webhook API and share the URL with iServeU to get it configured. Once it is configured, you will receive callback for all the transactions. The format to configure the webhook API at your end is mentioned in the documentation of each product.

Ans: Only in production environment a retailer needs to be on-boarded. As per NPIC guidelines we do check & maintain negative registry, so before any retailer get onboarded we check their onboarding details. Once the data is verified, user/retailer get onboarded.
Negative registry checks:: negative PIN, PAN, ADDRESS

Ans: To get access to the UAT LMS V1.0.0 use their developer portal.

Ans: The only prerequisites to use the LMS V1.0.0 are client credentials, for the UAT environment you get the credentials from the developer portal email.

Ans: Yes, there is a sandbox environment available for testing the LMS V1.0.0. This allows you to simulate transactions and test your integration before going live.

Ans: API requests are authenticated using API keys, which are included in the request headers. This ensures secure communication between your application and the LMS V1.0.0.