
Description: This API is used to transfer funds from customer’s account to any beneficiary(from any bank).


Content-Type: application/JSON
header_secrets:To be shared during integration
pass_key:To be shared during integration

Request Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description with validations and examples Attribute type Mandatory/ Not Mandatory
beneName Beneficiary name. Maximum Length - 100. E.g. - "Nitya" String Not Mandatory
beneAccountNo Account Number to be validated. Maximum Length - 20. E.g. - "026291800001191" String Mandatory
beneifsc Beneficiary bank IFSC code. Maximum Length - 11. E.g. - "SBIN0001083" String Mandatory
benePhoneNo Mobile Number of beneficiary. Maximum Length - 10 E.g.- 7381279922 Number Mandatory
beneBankName Bank name of the beneficiary. E.g.- "HDFC BANK LTD" String Mandatory
clientReferenceNo Customer Reference number shared by the customer during transaction initiation. Min. Length - 12 & Max. Length - 22. No specialcharacters/space is allowed. E.g.- "1234500912322180" String Mandatory
amount Amount to be transferred to the beneficiary E.g. - 100 Number Mandatory
fundTransferType Mode of payment(IMPS/NEFT) String Mandatory
pincode Pin code of the transaction initiator. Maximum Length - 6, E.g.- 751024 Number Mandatory
custName Name of the customer. Maximum Length - 25 E.g.- "Vijay Nayak" String Mandatory
custMobNo Mobile Number of customer. Maximum Length - 10 E.g.- 9821361027 Number Mandatory
custIpAddress Customer IP Address. E.g. - "" String Mandatory
latlong Lat longitude of the transaction initiator. Maximum Length - 22, E.g- 22.8031731,88.7874172 String Mandatory
paramA To be used as per client’s discretion. String Not Mandatory
paramB To be used as per client’s discretion. String Not Mandatory

Response Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description Data type
status This field displays the actual status of a transaction. (Possible status - SUCCESS,FAILED,INPROGRESS,REF UNDED) String 
subStatus This field describes the statusCode of a transaction. Eg- success - 0, inprogress – 1, failed - -1 String
statusDesc Description of the status of the transaction String
rrn This is a unique number generated by the bank/NPCI for each transaction, the customer can inquiry the transaction using this number or referenceNo generated by Corporate String
transactionId iServeU system generated unique transaction id String
beneName Beneficiary name as per Bank record. String
beneAccountNo Account Number to be validated String
beneifsc Beneficiary bank IFSC code String
benePhoneNo Mobile Number of customer String
beneBankName Beneficiary bank name String
clientReferenceNo Customer Reference number shared by the customer during transaction initiation String
txnAmount Amount transferred to the beneficiary Number
txnType Mode of payment (IMPS/NEFT) String
latlong Lat longitude of the transaction initiator E.g.- "22.8031731,88.7874172" String
pincode Pin code of the transaction initiator String
custName Name of the customer String
custMobNo Mobile no of the customer String
dateTime Date time of the transaction in mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss (E.g.- 09-23-2022 05:03:20) String
paramA For Future Use String
paramB For Future Use String


Mode of Pay: NEFT

Sample Request Body(Encrypted):

Sample Request Body:


Sample Response Body(Encrypted):

Sample Response Body:

Success :



For different Requests, we need to use unique client reference id.


Response Codes

Status Status Code Description
FAILED -1 Failed from Bank
FAILED 2 Failed from wallet
FAILED -2 Failed from IServeU
FAILED -3 Failed from iServeU (Duplicate Client Ref ID)
INPROGRESS 1 Transaction In Progress
SUCCESS 0 Transaction success