
Description: This API allows to retrieve detailed information about a customer.
Base URL:{EndPoint}
Endpoint: /common/dmt-lite/unified/customer/get-customer


Content-Type: application/JSON
client_id: To be shared during integration
client_secret: To be shared during integration

Request Body Parameters

Parameters Description Data Type Validation with Sample Mandatory/ Optional
mobileNumber Mobile Number String 10 digit mobile number
username User name String isutestapi1 Mandatory
latlong Latitude Longitude String 123,234 Mandatory
publicIP Public IP String Mandatory

Sample Request Body

Response Body Parameters

Parameters Description Data Type
status Status of transaction String
statusDesc Status Description String
statusCode Code of the transaction status String
name Name of Customer String
mobileNumber Customer Mobile Number String
KYCTypeFlag KYC Type Flag Boolean

Sample Response Body


"name": "Chandan Pradhan",
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "0", //customer Not Exits,kindly onboard
"statusDesc": "customer Not Exits,kindly onboard",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
"name": "Chandan Pradhan",
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "1", //customer created but not verified
"statusDesc": "Customer created but not verified",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
"name": "Chandan Pradhan",
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "2", ////customer is created and verified, OVD is also verified. (This is for new Customer)
"statusDesc": "Customer verified successfully",
"KYCTypeFlag": true,
"name": "Chandan Pradhan",
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "3", ////customer created and verified but OVD not verified.
"statusDesc": "Customer verified successfully",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
  • KYCTypeFlag: true, means OVD is present.
  • KYCTypeFlag: false, means OVD data is not present.


"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "-1",
"statusDesc": "Invalid mobile number",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "-1",
"statusDesc": "Username Must not be Empty",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "-1",
"statusDesc": "User not onboarded",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,
"mobileNumber": "8144094480",
"statusCode": "4",
"statusDesc": "Internal Server Issue",
"KYCTypeFlag": false,

Response Codes

Status Code Response Type Description HTTP Status Code
0 SUCCESS customer Not Exits,kindly onboard 200
1 SUCCESS Customer created but not verified 200
2 SUCCESS Customer verified successfully 200
3 SUCCESS Customer verified successfully 200
-1 FAILED Username Must not be Empty 200
4 FAILED Internal Server Issue 200