Description: This API will fetch the transaction id details according to the provided request mentioned below. |
Base URL:{EndPoint} |
Endpoint: /redis-v2/statuscheck-report/txnreport |
Content-Type: application/JSON |
header_secrets: To be shared during integration |
pass_key: To be shared during integration |
Request Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter Name | Parameter description with validation and Examples | Data type | Mandatory/Not Mandatory |
$1 | Query Operation | Query operation. It must Not be NULL. E.g.- "DMT_txn_status_api_lite_common" |
String | Mandatory |
$4 | start Date | Date Parameter in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It must Not be NULL. E.g. - "2024-10-08" |
String | Mandatory |
$5 | endDate | Date Parameter in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It must Not be NULL. E.g. - "2024-10-08" |
String | Mandatory |
$6 | ClientRefID | Client reference id. It must Not be NULL. E.g.- "DL99009078000035" |
String | Mandatory |
Sample Request Body
Response Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter description | Data Type |
status | Transaction Enquiry Status Code. E.g. - 200 | Integer |
message | Message for the above transaction status. E.g. - “Success” | String |
length |
Te number of records displayed. E.g. - 1 |
Integer |
results | Results of performed transaction. | |
statusDesc | Status description of the transaction E.g. - "Successfully credited -" | String |
createdDate | Created is send in timestamp. E.g. - 1728402123007 | Timestamp |
updatedDate | Created is send in timestamp. E.g. - 1728402125003 | Timestamp |
productCode | Product Code . E.g. - "DMT" | String |
txnType | Operation type of transaction. E.g. - "IMPS_FUND_TRANSFER" | String |
txnAmount | Transaction amount. E.g. - 101 | Integer |
txnDateTime | Date and time of transaction. E.g. - 1728402123007 | Timestamp |
status | Status of transaction. E.g. - "FAILED" | String |
rrn | Transaction unique ID. E.g. - "428215139760" | String |
txnId | Unique id of the transaction. E.g. - "#3153933996335104" | String |
gatewayId | Gateway ID. E.g. - "#31539339963351041" | String |
txnStausCode | Transaction Status Code. E.g. - "3" | String |
retailerUserName | Retailer Username. E.g. -"isutestapi1", | String |
clientreferenceid | Reference id the client. E.g. -"DL99009078000035" | String |
param_b | To be used as per client. E.g.-null | Alphanumeric String |
param_c | To be used as per client. E.g.- isutestapi1 | Alphanumeric String |
Sample Response Body
"status": 200, "message": "Success", "length": 1, "results": [ { "statusDesc": "Transaction Failed", "createdDate": 1728492363006, "updatedDate": 1728492366008, "productCode": "DMT", "txnType": "IMPS_FUND_TRANSFER", "txnAmount": 101, "txnDateTime": 1728492363006, "customeridentIfication": "8337946006", "status": "FAILED", "rrn": "428316101285", "txnId": "#3529899641872384", "gatewayId": "#35298996418723841", "txnStatusCode": "3", "retailerUserName": "isutestapi1", "userName": "apisdktestapi", "clientreferenceid": "DLouhdjkl00035", "param_b": null, "param_c": "isutestapi1" } ] } |
"status": 0, "message": "Query error: Unrecognized name: undefined at [12:29]" } |