Beneficiary Verification API


Description - This API enables the verification of the details of a particular Beneficiary.


Content-Type: application/JSON
client_id: To be shared during integration
client_secret: To be shared during integration

Request Body Parameters

Field Description Sample with validation Data type Mandatory/ Not Mandatory
externalRefNumber External Reference Number externalRefNumber should have a
min length of 16 and max length of
18. E.g.- abcdef1234567891
String Mandatory
accountNumber Bene Account Number Beneficiary account number. E.g.-72348568326432 String Mandatory
beneBankName Bene bank name Beneficiary bank name E.g.-state bank of India String Mandatory
beneMobile Number Bene mobile number Beneficiary mobile number E.g.-9090172546 String Mandatory
beneName Beneficiary name Beneficiary name E.g.-sangram String Mandatory
bankCode Beneficiary bank Code Beneficiary bankCode E.g.-SBIN String Mandatory
beneIfscCode Beneficiary ifsc Code Beneficiary ifsc Code E.g.-SBIN0225500 String Mandatory
customerName Customer name Customer name E.g.- sangram pradhan String Mandatory
Customer MobileNumber Customer mobile number Customer mobile number E.g.- 8658733463 String Mandatory
Pincode Customer address pincode Customer mobile number E.g.- 8658733463 String Mandatory
Address Customer address Customer address String Mandatory
isHoldTransaction Hold txn details E.g.-false Boolean Mandatory
username Retailer User ID E.g.- isutestapi1 String Mandatory
customerIP Customer IP 19.38.394.33 String Mandatory
latLong Latitude and Longitude 30.34N,25.73E String Mandatory

Success Request and Response

Request Body

"externalRefNumber": "abcdef1234567891",
"accountNumber": "513810110000609",
"beneBankName": "Bank Of India",
"beneMobileNumber": "9090172546",
"beneName": "M Doe",
"bankCode": "SBOS",
"beneIfscCode": "SBOS0002135",
"customerName": "Deba",
"customerMobileNumber": "6901933567",
"pincode": "701024",
"address": "Bhubneswar",
"isHoldTransaction": false,
"username": "upitestret",
"latLong":"30.34N,25.73E" }

Response Body

"status": "SUCCESS",
"statusCode": "0",
"parentTxnId": "573150238089216",
"status-desc": "Transaction Successful",
"gateway-transaction-details": [
"gateWayTxnId": "5731502380892161",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"txnStausCode": "0",
"txnStatusDesc": "Transaction Success",
"amount": 1.0,
"rrn": "231516316494",
"beneName": " M Doe",
"charges": "0.0",
"createdDate": "Fri Nov 11 16:02:34 IST 2022"
" externalRefNumber ": " abcdef1234567891"


Inprogress Request and Response

Request Body

"externalRefNumber": "AlG3d4L98jofl67891", "accountNumber": "091805000363",
"beneBankName": " ICICI BANK LTD",
"beneMobileNumber": "6473465790",
"bankCode": "ICIC",
"beneIfscCode": "ICIC0000918",
"customerName": "S Deo",
"customerMobileNumber": "7682982149",
"pincode": "701024",
"address": "Bhubneswar",
"username": "upitestret",
"latLong":"30.34N,25.73E" }

Response Body

"status": "INPROGRESS",
"statusCode": "3",
"externalRefNumber": "AlG3d4L98jofl67891",
"parentTxnId": "801578354614272",
"status-desc": "Transaction is Pending,We are Processing your Transaction",
"gateway-transaction-details": [
"gateWayTxnId": "8015783546142721",
"status": "INPROGRESS",
"txnStausCode": "20",
"txnStatusDesc": "Transaction Success",
"amount": 1.0,
"rrn": "",
"charges": "0.0",
"createdDate": "Fri Jan 06 11:37:49 IST 2023"

Failed Request and Response

Request Body

"externalRefNumber": "AlG3d9L98jofl67891",
"accountNumber": "091805000363",
"beneBankName": " ICICI BANK LTD",
"beneMobileNumber": "6473465790",
"bankCode": "ICIC",
"beneIfscCode": "ICIC0000918",
"customerName": "S Deo",
"customerMobileNumber": "7682982149",
"pincode": "701024",
"address": "Bhubneswar",
"username": "upitestret",
"latLong":"30.34N,25.73E" }

Response Body

"status": "FAILED",
"statusCode": "1",
"externalRefNumber": "AlG3d9L98jofl67891",
"parentTxnId": "801579004731392",
"status-desc": "Transaction Failed",
"gateway-transaction-details": [
"gateWayTxnId": "8015790047313921",
"status": "FAILED",
"txnStausCode": "-1",
"txnStatusDesc": "Transaction Success",
"amount": 1.0,
"rrn": "",
"charges": "0.0",
"createdDate": "Fri Jan 06 11:42:07 IST 2023"

Detailed Error Codes

Status Codes Message Sent Description & Solution
DMTCFT001 DMTCFT001--User name must not be
Username is empty in request body,
please provide username
DMTCFT001--External Reference Number
Must Not Be Empty Or Only Number
Allowed With 16 Digit
External Reference Number Empty in
request body, Only 16 digit Number
DMTCFT001--Requested Amount Must
Not be EMPTY Or Only Number Allowed
requested amount empty in request
body ,only number allowed
DMTCFT001--Beneficiary Account
Number Must Not be EMPTY Or Only
Number Allowed
Beneficiary Account Number empty in
request body , Only number Allowed
DMTCFT001--Beneficiary MobileNumber
Must Not Be EMPTY, Should Be 10 digits
Beneficiary MobileNumber empty in
request body ,Should be 10 digit
DMTCFT001--Beneficiary Name Must Not
Be EMPTY, Only Character Allowed
Beneficiary Name EMPTY in request body,
Only Character Allowed
DMTCFT001--BankCode Must Not Be
EMPTY, should be 4 Digits
BankCode Must EMPTY in request body,
should be 4 Digits
DMTCFT001--Beneficiary ifscCode Must
Not Be EMPTY Or Invalid Pattern Found
Beneficiary ifscCode EMPTY in request
body Or Invalid Pattern Found
DMTCFT001--Transaction Mode Must Not
Be EMPTY Or Only IMPS Transaction
Mode Allowed
Transaction Mode EMPTY in request body ,
Only IMPS Transaction Mode Allowed
DMTCFT001--Customer Name Must Not
Be EMPTY Or Only Character Allowed
Customer Name EMPTY in request body ,
Only Character Allowed
DMTCFT001--Customer Mobile Number
Must Not Be EMPTY and Must be 10 Digits
Customer Mobile Number in request body
EMPTY and Must be 10 Digits
DMTCFT001--Address Must Not be Empty Address Empty in request body
DMTCFT001--Pin code Must Not Be
Pin code Empty in request body
DMTCFT001--Is Hold Transaction Must
Not be Empty, Pass true or false
Is Hold Transaction Empty in request
body ,Pass true or false
DMTCFT001--User Name Or Retailer Must
Not Be Empty
User Name Empty in request body
DMTCFT001--Beneficiary ifscCode Must
Not Be EMPTY Or Invalid Pattern Found
Beneficiary ifscCode EMPTY in request
body Or Invalid Pattern Found
DMTCBM001 DMTCBM001--Something went
wrong ,Please try again after some time.
Beneficiary onboarding failed due to
internal issue
DMTCBM002 DMTCBM001--Bene Monthly Limit
Beneficiary Monthy Limit Not Available ,
DMTCCM001 DMTCCM001-Something went wrong
Please try again after some time.
Failed to OnBoard Customer due
to Internal Server Issue .
DMTCCM002 DMTCCM001--Customer Limit Exceeded Customer Limit Not Available, Customer
already transacted 25k for this month
DMTCFT0014 DMTCFT0014--Something went
wrong ,Please try again after some time.
Failed to initiate transaction due to
network or DB related issue.
DMTCFT002 DMTCFT002--The amount should be 100
or more than 100
The amount should less than 100
DMTCFT003 DMTCFT003 --Something went wrong ,
Please try again after some time..
apiusername not in database or not
fetching username data from database
DMTCFT004 DMTCFT004 --Something went wrong
Please try again after some time.
Unable to Initiate Transaction, Network or
DB Exception Occurred While Initiation
DMTCFT004 DMTCFT004-- Duplicate External
Reference ID found
Duplicate Client Reference ID For
ApiUser ,Already Client Reference ID is
available in ISU DB
DMTCFT005 DMTCFT005--Feature not active, Please
contact support team
DMT Global Feature is off.
DMTCFT006 DMTCFT006 --Feature not active, Please
contact customer support team
API User Feature is Currently Inactive.. Or
Feature Disable for Particular Product
DMTCFT007 DMTCFT007--Feature not active, Please
contact customer support team
Unable to find UserFeature instance with
User, userFeature not available.Or Not
DMTCFT008 DMTCFT008--Retailer Monthly Limit
Retailer Monthly Limit Exceeded
DMTCFT010 DMTCFT010--Something Went Wrong,
Please try again after some time.
Exception saying
DMTCFT011 DMTCFT011--Duplicate Transaction
Found, Do Transaction After 5 minutes

Duplicate Transaction Found , can do
Transaction after 5 minutes.

Same amount again requested for
Customer and Benificiary.

DMTCFT015 DMTCFT015--Something went wrong
Please try again after some time..
Unable to calcualte Service Charge ,this is
server related issue
DMTCFT016 DMTCFT016--Something went wrong,
Please try again after some time.
Unable to find admin of the username
isutestapi, Due to DB issue or That apiuser
not onboarded
DMTCFT017 DMTCFT017--Retailer is Not Onboarded
at ISU, Please Contact Your Support
Retailer is Not Onboarded at ISU or
Retailer not found In our database.
DMTCFT020 DMTCFT020--Wallet Debit Failed Failed Due to Wallet Issue : "
DMTCFT021 MTCFT021--Something went wrong
Please try again after some time..
Transaction Failed Due to Internal Server
Issue Composer Router module
interaction issue.
DMTCFT021 DMTCFT021--Something went wrong
Please try again after some time..
Internal Server Issue Due to Router
DMTGFT001 DMTCFT001--Amount below 100 and
more than 5000 could not be accepted
Amount below 100 and more than 5000
could not be accepted in request body
DMTGFT002 DMTCFT002--Transaction Is In
Progress ,Please check after some time
Transaction Is In Progress , after
some time he can do transaction
DMTGFT003 DMTGFT003--Something went wrong,
Please try again after some time.
Gateway Feature Is Not Active.