Agent Registration (Single)

Description -This signifies the process of registering (onboarding) the Agent.
  • SUCCESS signifies that the agent registration is successful.
  • FAILURE indicates that the Agent was not registered.
Request Method :: POST


Content-Type: application/JSON
client_id: To be shared during integration
client_secret: To be shared during integration


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Parameter Description with validations and examples Data Type Mandatory/Optional
bcagentid BC Agent ID. Must Not be NULL.
(5 ≤ length ≤ 100)
E.g.- "127665"
String Mandatory
bcagentname BC Agent First Name, must not be NULL. (3 ≤ length ≤ 49)
E.g.- "abc"
String Mandatory
lastname Last Name of the BC Agent. Last Namemust not be NULL. (1 ≤ length ≤ 49) E.g. "d" String Mandatory
companyname Beneficiary's Name, it must not be NULL. (3 ≤ length ≤ 199)
String Mandatory
address Address of Company
It must Not be NULL. (5 ≤ length ≤ 200)
E.g.- "Bhubaneswar"
String Mandatory

Area of Company
It must Not be NULL. (5 ≤ length ≤ 30)

E.g.- "bhubaneswar"

String Mandatory
pincode Pin Code, It should contain 6 digits. It must Not be NULL. E.g. - 751024 Integer Mandatory
mobilenumber Mobile Number of Company. It should be of 10 digits. It must Not be NULL.
String Mandatory
shopname Shop Name, it must Not NULL. (3 ≤ length ≤ 100) String Mandatory
shopaddress Shop Address.
(5 ≤ length ≤ 200)
E.g.- "bhubaneswar"
String Optional
shopstate State where Shop is. (5 ≤ length ≤ 50) E.g.- "Odisha" String Optional
shopcity City where Shop is. (5 ≤ length ≤ 50) E.g.- "bhubaneswar" String Optional
shopdistrict District where Shop is.
(5 ≤ length ≤ 50) E.g.- "Khorda"
String Optional
shoparea Area where Shop is.
(5 ≤ length ≤ 30)
E.g.- "bhubaneswar"
String Optional
shoppincode Pin code of shop area, It should contain 6 digits.
E.g.- 751024
Integer Optional
pancard pancard number, It must Not be NULL. It’s length should be
E.g.- "BYQPP5609B"
String Mandatory


Sample Request Body

"bcagentid": "8200227891",
"bcagentname": "dhwani",
"lastname": "d",
"companyname": "iserveu",
"address": "Bhubaneswar",
"area": "bhubaneswar",
"pincode": 752107,
"mobilenumber": "5209295531",
"shopname": "abc"
"shopaddress": "bhubaneswar",
"shopstate": "Odisha",
"shopcity": "bhubaneswar",
"shopdistrict": "Khorda",
"shoparea": "bhubaneswar",
"shoppincode": 751024 ,
"pancard": "FMIPK9104K"
Data provided in the above Request Body is strictly for visualization purpose only. Please supply your own data to test the API, as this is a one time process and using the same data will generate a Failed response.

Response Body Parameters

Parameters Parameter description with examples Data Type
status Status of the transaction (SUCCESS/FAILED) Integer
statusCode Status Identifier of the transaction (0 - SUCCESS and 1- FAILED) String
statusDesc status description of the operation performed. E.g. - "User created successfully" String
Data Data fetched for a particular set of information provided in the Request Body. String
bcagentregistrationres BC Agent’s Registration details String
status Status of the transaction. E.g. - "1" String
bcagentid The BC Agent’s unique ID. E.g. - "8200227891" String
description Description of the operation performed.


Sample Response Body

"status": "SUCCESS",
"statusCode": 0,
"statusDesc": "User created successfully",
"Data": { "bcagentregistrationres": { "status": "1","bcagentid": "8200227891","description":"SUCCESSFULLY UPDATED"}}


"status": "FAILED", "statusCode": 1,
"statusDesc": "Bcagentid can not be empty, invalid bcagentid", "Data": {
"bcagentregistrationres": { "status": "",
"bcagentid": "",
"description": ""

FAILED(Duplicate User)

"status": "FAILED",
"statusCode": 1,
"statusDesc": "Duplicate user",
"Data": {}


If a bcagentid already onboarded in NSDL side but we are trying this bcagentid again then we can get this type of error.

Response Codes

Status Status Code Description
Success 0 Agent registration successful.
Failed 1 Agent registration unsuccessful.