Transaction Status Enquiry API
Description: This API will fetch the transaction details according to the provided request mentioned below. |
URL: To be shared later |
Content-Type: application/JSON |
headerSecrets: To be shared during integration |
passKey: To be shared during integration |
Request Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter Name | Parameter description with validation and examples | Attribute type | Mandatory/Not Mandatory |
$1 | Query Operation | Hard-coded field. Must pass the value provided below- "UMatm_txn_status_api_common" | String | Mandatory |
$4 | Start Date | Date field in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It should be same as the End date. E.g. - "2023-07-10" | String | Mandatory |
$5 | End Date | Date field in yyyy-mm-dd format pass in string. It should be same as the Start Date. E.g. -"2023-07-10" | String | Mandatory |
$6 | ClientRefId | Client reference id. length ≤ 20. E.g.- "ORTN00001120230710154525005" | String | Mandatory |
$7 | Param_b | Param B. To be used by the client as per requirement, length ≤ 20. E.g. - "branch1" | String | Optional |
$8 | Param_c | Param C. To be used by the client as per requirement, length ≤ 20. E.g.- "loanID1234" | String | Optional |
Sample Request Body
Sample Request Body(Encrypted)
Response Body Parameters
Parameters | Parameter description | Data type |
status | Transaction status code. E.g - 200 | Integer |
message | Corresponding message of the status. E.g. - Success | String |
length | Number of records displayed. E.g - 1 | Integer |
results | Displays the transaction record | |
statusDesc | Status description of the transaction. E.g. - "Suspected Fraud Decline" | String |
createdDate | Created is send in timestamp. E.g. - 1688984141950 | Timestamp |
updatedDate | Updated is send in timestamp. E.g. - 1688984145754 | Timestamp |
productCode | Product Code . E.g. - "mATM" | String |
txnType | Operation type of transaction. E.g. - "mATM_CASH_WITHDRAWAL" | String |
txnAmount | Transaction amount. E.g. - 100 | String |
txnDateTime | Date and time of transaction. E.g. - 1688984141950 | String |
customeridentIfication | Card number. E.g. - "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-0818" | String |
status | Status of the transaction. E.g. - "AUTH_DECLINE" | String |
transaction_status_code | Transaction Status Code. E.g. - 3 | String |
rrn | RRN Number. E.g. - "319115329358" | String |
txnId | Unique id of the transaction. E.g. - "#1127905981926219776" | String |
retailerUserName | Retailer’s user name. E.g. - "ORTN000011" | String |
username | User Name. E.g. - "oasysapi" | String |
clientreferenceid | Reference id the client. E.g. - "ORTN00001120230710154525005" | String |
param_b | To be used as per client. E.g.- "branch1" | Alphanumeric String |
param_c | To be used as per client. E.g.- "loanID1234" | Alphanumeric String |
Sample Response Body
Success :
Sample Response Body(Encrypted)
Success with no Data :
Note: The following is a BigQuery error for any type mismatch or misleading data. For this issue, please contact our developers for resolution. |
Failed (Incorrect First Parameter):
Status Codes
Code | Significance | Description |
0 | FAILED | Get error message in Response. |
200 | SUCCESS | Transaction response received with data. |
1 | SUCCESS | Transaction response with no data for required parameters |
Note: The date and time stamp present across all endpoints in the document is in UTC timestamp format. |